Sunday, November 27, 2011

L.E.A.P. Reasons and Lessons From The PHILIPPINE HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION’s 2011 National Convention.

The Philippine Hospital Association (PHA) stands by its mission of L.E.A.P, an acronoymn for Leading, Enabling, Assisting & Protecting Hospitals towards Quality Service.

ELEVEN HAPPY REASONS. The PHA’s reasons for being in a state of blissful daze and thankfulness come from the results of the 62nd Annual Convention held on November 23-25, 2011 at Manila Hotel outlined as follows:

1.       It has attained an estimated 1,500 record breaking
            attendance and participants (including sponsors, guests, 
            support staff, etc) in its Nov. 23-25, 2011 Annual National 
            Convention held at the Manila Hotel.

2.       It has broken the record on the number of exhibitors.

3.       It has broken the record on the number of pre-registered 
            participants at 310 heads .

4.       The cover of the Convention’s printed directory and 
            souvenir program have been lauded by many participants
            as one of the best in design and printing through the use
            of spot UV technology.

5.       The tribute write ups on two outstanding women in the
            Philippine hospital industry, Dr. Fe del Mundo of the Dr. 
            Fe del Mundo Medical Center Foundation and Dr. Thelma
           Clemente of the Capitol Medical Center, were very much 
           appreciated by the respective families of the honorees.

6.       It has raffled off the most number of prizes, both major
           and minor.

7.       All its invited guests of honor came and regaled the 
            audience with their own brand of repertoire.

8.       It has elected its new set of Board of Directors, a new
            President and set of Officers and welcomed a new
            member of the Board (saying goodbye to one).

9.       The registration process was comparatively smooth and 
            has done away with the snaking long lines of the previous

10.   The computer assisted election process was very much
          improved than that of prior years and produced the
          winners immediately after close of the polls. This, in 
          contrast to the tedious manual counting of the past which 
          extended to about midnight.
11.  A PHA Provincial Council, the Capiz Provincial Council, came
       with their officers in full force and were exhilarated to be 
       inducted by the newly installed President of the PHA.
IMPROVEMENTS. Imperfections in this world is a reality that everyone must accept.  The bad must be taken in with the good . One can only learn from experiences so that mistakes of the past can be remedied and repetition in the future can be avoided as well.  Deficiencies have been duly noted by the organizers so that improvements can be instituted in future events.
The PHA attributes much of the improvements in communications with members and the support given by the Board in campaigning for attendance. It is however accepted that there are still a lot of room for improvements on the aspect of communications attributable to the inefficiencies of the snail mail system of the country.  However, with the relentless efforts of the concerned team and full support of the PHA Board of Directors on the Social Media Initiatives (Facebook, Twitter, Website, Email, Tumblr, Webinars, etc.) launched in early 2011, substantial improvements in communications are expected in 2012. The use of incentives and motivations were proven very effective , especially in the early birds registration campaign (cultural tour of museums, hospitality suite  and raffle prizes), maintaining audience attendance and attention during the sessions and ceremonies as well as encouraging members to go to the polling place and visit exhibitors booths. Raffle Prizes worth noting were:

·         For early birds registrants – an Apple IpodTouch and 
             Samsung Galaxy Mini Tab 5” courtesy of the PHA

·         For Attendance at the Fellowship – Toshiba Personal
             Laptop Computer donated by Governor Jericho Petilla 
             and Digital Cameras donated by BPI Leasing.

·         For noontime attendance to the BPI Leasing talk – SONY
             BRAVIA LED 32” TV and Digital Cameras and cellphones

·         For those who cast their votes – an Apple ipodTouch
             courtesy of the PHA

·         For those who stayed on for the closing Ceremonies – 2
             units Apple IPAD2 16GB courtesy of the PHA
In terms of improvements, one major thing that needs to be done for the 2012 Annual event is to plan early, preferably done by the First Quarter of 2012.  The theme should be crafted early so that topics and resource speakers can be lined up and sent out invitations 5 months before the event. Equally important is to designate the people who will be team leaders of the various major activities of the event and in as much details as possible list down their respective duties and responsibilities. Early reservations of the event place are also a must. 

2012 SET OF OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. The newly elected PHA Presidents faces a multitude of challenges for his term.  It consist not only of surpassing the records of the 62nd Annual National Convention for 2012 but to bring forth forms of relief to the “battle-fatigued” hospitals owing to new and upcoming government regulations and legislations.

The following are the new Officers and Board of Directors of the PHA for the year 2012:
Atty. Bu Castro, M.D.
(from the Private Hospitals Sector)

Dr. Rudolfo Ante
(from the Private Hospitals Sector)
Vice-President – Luzon

Dr. Winifreda Cagulada
(from the Government Hospitals Sector)
Vice-President – Vizayas

Dr. Conrado Brana
(from the Government Hospitals Sector)
Vice-President - Mindanao

Dr. Jesus Jardin
(from the Private Hospitals Sector)

Dr. Janet del Mundo-Tan
(From the Government Hospitals Sector)

Dr. Romeo Maano
(from the Private Hospitals Sector)

Dr.  Concepcion Lim
(from the Private Hospitals Sector)

Dr. Edgardo Salud
(from the Government Hospitals Sector)

Dr. AVelino Obispo
(from the Private Hospitals Sector)

Dr. Ruben Flores
(from the Government Hospitals Sector)
Immediate Past President

Dr. Thelma Navarette-Clemente
President Emeritus

OUTGOING PRESIDENT, DR. RUBEN FLORES’ VALEDICTORY ADDRESS. Dr. Ruben Flores opened up with referral to the “Heroes” in the midst of his administration for the last two years as President of the PHA.  He laid down the many and substantial achievements attained during his terms of office which has as its focus and guide his “7 Point Agenda”.  He expressed his appreciation and gratitude to the general membership for their support and cooperation, the Board of Directors for their efforts and works , the Secretariat and others who in one way or another helped make his journey a fruitful one.

He deemed it fit to explain in his valedictory address as to why he has stepped down  despite doing a very good job in leading and bringing the organization to new heights. As was one of his 7 Point Agenda, he pushed for the amendment of the PHA’s by-laws especially on the issue of tenure of Officers.  All Officers are not to hold office for more than two consecutive terms in the same position. They may however run for the position of the Board indefinitely, except for the President, who, upon holding office as President for an aggregate period of 6 years will forever be barred from running as a Director. This provision ensures that other members are given the chance to serve in the National Board as President and that in the case of Officer position, provides dynamism and a system of check and balance.

He further reiterated the honors brought to the country and the organization by  the Asian Hospital Federation’s putting him in as President-elect for the years 2012 & 2013. This is to prepare him when he eventually assumes the position as AHF's President for the years 2014 & 2015.  He reiterated that the Philippines shall bid for the holding in the Philippines of the AHF’s 14-country membership International Conference.  Dr. Ruben Flores solicited the support of the general membership in this regard when the time comes.

2012 INCOMING PRESIDENT ATTY. BU CASTRO’s INAUGURAL ADDRESS.  Dr. Bu Castro was introduced as a native of Bugallon Pangasinan, a physician - lawyer , 54 yrs of age, graduate of the University of Sto. Tomas, lecturer, professor, book author,  former President of the Philippine Medical Association, President of the Association of All Health Organization of the Nation (AAHON) and former PRO of the PHA, among other things. His speech was described by the master of ceremony and PHA EO Mac Caliwara, as "short but powerful" centering on putting forward general words of caution to those would dare tax the patience of the PHA’s hospital membership. In the vernacular, President Bu Castro said , while pointing to the Board of Directors:  “SUBUKAN NILA SILA”.

In closing, he flashed to the audience a slide which summarizes in a nutshell what and how he intends to LEAP as PHA's President:

After “everything has been said and done” and when “things are over but the shouting”, it will be time again to go back to the business of rendering L.E.A.P. servitude to the PHA member hospitals towards Quality Service.

The new President and his set of Officers and Board will need all the prayers and support of everyone for 2012.

Front page of the national broadsheet Manila Bulletin
November 25, 2011 issue showing from left to right:
Dr. Edgardo Salud (PHA Treasurer and Director),
Speaker Sonny Belmonte , Dr. Ruben Flores (PHA President),
Dr. Thelma Clemente (PHA President Emeritus) and
Mayor of Manila Fred Lim.

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