Saturday, May 14, 2011


What is a hospital organization doing blogging, one may ask. To Blog or not to Blog, another may question. Herein outline are the 3 reason why one will find PHA in the blogging scene:

1.       RELEVANCE.  The current leadership of the Philippine Hospital Association (PHA) has given its all out support in its "Social Media Project". This, meaning, that it will engage new technologies in order to be RELEVANT to its members , stakeholders and the communities surrounding the some 2,000 strong member hospitals. PHA, aside from the traditional emails and website, will  be in Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook and into blogs.

2.      COST – BENEFIT. I commiserate with the woes of any organization who have been struggling with the handling of traditional, printed-on-paper newsletters.  I know very well the difficulties of assembling enough editorial materials, laying them out in several pages and waiting endlessly for the printing company to deliver to you the finished publication.  Aside from the cost of printing one will be saddled with the cost of distribution, especially if it is to be done nationwide. In the case of PHA, being a national organization, bringing the printed edition to the members nationwide by ordinary mail, cost a hefty amount. Consider that this is supposed to be done on a monthly basis.

3.      INTER-ACTIVE. The blog's interactive feature may just be a way of PHA's adapting to the needs of the times.  the other on-line tools will supplement each other in keeping everyone updated on relevant issues within the industry.   Readers can interact with the community within the blog and ask for reference information that they require pertaining to hospital services and health concerns. With a developed community, blog is more dynamic in many ways than one as against a one on one exchanges by emails. There are many things more that one can be say about the relevance of blogging in the affairs of the organization but let us just stop here for now. 

 This is just a maiden issue and with the help of the readers and fellow bloggers, we hope to improve as we go along.

Blogging? Why not? What do you think?

May 10, 2010

1 comment:

  1. Organizations are better off blogging. Unlike the traditional communication channels that are one-way and mostly from the management down. Blogging provides a medium where interaction can take place where more valuable insights can be formed and more understanding can be made.

    Nice blog btw! more power to you and the PHA!
