Tuesday, August 23, 2011


With the kind indulgence of non-Philippine Hospital Association members, this post is made at the behest of the PHA COMELEC.  It is dedicated to the upcoming annual electoral exercise of the organization. Past elections proved to be filled with excitement and controversies that Some might actually find the series of articles that will focus on the PHA Electoral Process a good read. 

ELECTION RULES for the Year 2011 which

will lead to the selection of its new set of

leaders.  The dynamism in an organization in

most part is dependent on its leadership. The

Philippine Hospital Association (PHA) at about

this time of the year, is teeming with

anticipation on the PHA Election Rules

package that were released for distribution to

the general membership on August 23, 2011. 

They consist of the following:

1.     Advisory of the PHA Comelec Chairman (text below)
2.     The 7-page Election Rules for 2011 (text below)
3.     Authorization Form for Gov’t Hospitals of its Designated Rep
4.     Authrzn Form for Private-Partnership of its Designated Rep
5.     Authrzn Form for Private-Designated Rep Single Proprietor 
6.     Authorization Form for Private-Corp of its Designated Rep
7.     Nomination Form
8.     Acceptance of Nomination Form

(You may click on the  links above to download the appropriate forms)

The Election:

-Where:  Manila Hotel Luneta Park

-When:   November 24, 2011, commencing at 8am & ending at 4pm.
For the last two years, registrations and elections at the PHA have been Computer Assisted :

-delegates qualified to participate in the poll exercise, cast their votes through a computer terminal.

-pictures of the qualified candidates are flashed on the monitor and choices are made by ticking on the voter’s choice among the candidates.

-At the end of the day, when the voting had been closed, the votes are electronically tallied and the results are known within minutes from the close of the balloting.

This is in contrast to the old system whereby

counting took the PHA Comelec up to past

midnight, in the presence of the

representatives of the various candidates.

PHA beat by about half a year  the PCOS

electronic voting/counting machines used in

the 2011 National Election by the National


After the tally, the COMELEC Chairman

announces  the results to the candidate who waited


The winners or the new Board immediately

convenes and meet in a room within the hotel that

as reserved by the COMELEC .  The Board then

hold their own election of President, VP-Luzon,

VP Vizayas , VP Mindanao , Treasurer, Secretary

and PRO.

After this organizational meeting, the December

Board Meeting is then scheduled that serves as the

Planning Meeting for the incoming year as well as

the group’s Christmas Party.

The PHA election is always full of excitement,

from the nominating period and campaigning to

the winners’ installation and announcement of the

new set of Board and Officers the following day

before the general assembly.

For the advanced information of its PHA members,

all the necessary and related documents on the

PHA Elections are included in this post.

Higlighting the schedules, they are as follows:

August 23 , 2011

COMELEC Advisory on the PHA Election by snail mail, by email, by text messaging, by posts in the website (http://pha.ph), blogsite (http://www.phablog-recorder.blogspot.com, Facebook (philhospitalassn@yahoo.com), Twitter (@PHA1949).  Forms are likewise made available with the Advisory.

Deadline for submission of Nominations.
Sept. 22, 2011

All nominations are sent out by PHA Secretariat to the nominees
October 7, 2011

Deadline for Acceptance of Nominations and submission/completion  of requirements
October 7, 2011

COMELEC meets to evaluate nominations and finalize the list of OFFICIAL CANDIDATES
October 8

List of Official Candidates are released with direct and formal advice to the candidates concerned
October 12-November 24

Campaign period
November 23, 2011

Comelec attends the final Board Meeting of the old Board and reports with updates on the Election to be held the following day.
November 24, 2011

Election day, with casting of ballots commencing at 8am and ending at 4pm.

The PHA COMELEC encourages all its members to actively participate in the nomination and electoral process as an exercise of their rights and show of concern for the organization in an atmosphere of constructive dynamism. 

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