Saturday, December 17, 2011


The new PHA President, Atty. Bu Castro, M.D.,  has hit the ground , so to speak, and is in the process of planting his two feet firmly before running off.   This is opposed to the saying “hitting the ground running”. Atty. Bu is to be perceived as  a cautious man.  He lands, he pauses and thinks , before going into a decisive run.  This is in contrast to some leaders who, prior to landing on the ground have already began running and therefore, never got to plant their feet on the ground to the extent of never finding it, running without reaching the destination.

Last Wednesday, December 14, 2011, he has put on the role of coordinator for several groups in the medical communicty, namely: the Philippine Medical Association and its various sub-specialty groups,  the Private Hospital Association and the Philippine Hospital Association, to get together  and pursue continuous discussions on the issues with regard to the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation’s pronouncements on case rate/case mix.

In attendance were stakeholders from:

Philippine Medical Association
Association of Provincial Health Officers
Phil college of Hospital Administrators
Philippine Academy of Family of Physicians
Philippine Hospital Association
Philippine Society of Anesthesia
Members of the PMA Commission On Legislation
Philippine Society of Pathologists
Private Hospital Assn of the Philippines
Philippine Academy of Ophthalmologists
Philippine College of Surgeons
Philippine College of Hospital Administrators
Philippine Obstetrics and Gynecology Society
Phil Society of Otolaryngology & Head/Neck Surgery
Philippine College of Physicians
Philippine Pediatrics Society

The meeting was well attended.  Concerns and proposals from the various groups in attendance were heard, discussed and noted.

Shortly, a joint letter from the PMA , PHAP and PHA Presidents shall be sent to the PHIC President containing the studied proposals from the group.  It is with much anticipation and hope that the continuous dialogue between the parties shall bring forth happy resolution to the case rate / case mix and NBB issues.

The route being taken by the medical community is in consonance with the pronouncements made by the new President Dodo Banzon of pursuing the case rate/mix and NBB strategy for the benefit of all,  with prior and due consultations with various stakeholders which include those who will be  affected from the medical community.

The recent pronouncement of Dr. Banzon on the increase in the premium of the PHIC members is part of the strategy designed to widen and improve the benefits for all concerned.

Apparently, the designated leaders concerned with the issues have “hit the ground and are pausing to think before running” which should be a healthy sign that all will end well.

Best of the Season to All!

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